
Run Like A Girl

The ultimate grudge match!
Men: always in competition with women.
Women: always beating men.
Suggestion: Throw your boyfriend's running shoes out the window and run on.


The "Necking" Marathon aka Boston

The 2008 Boston Marathon was a fight club race (run until your viens pump battery acid) with finishing times as close together as the runner's own feet. The men and women made big news with USA, Kenya, and Ethopia taking the top three.


1. Salina Kosgei (KEN) 2:32:16 2. Dire Tune (ETH) 2:32:17 3. Kara Goucher (USA) 2:32:25


1. DeribaMerga (ETH) 2:08:42 2. Daniel Rono (KEN) 2:09:32 3. Ryan Hall (USA) 2:09:40

What's more interesting about the Boston Marathon? The Wellesley Girls. For 111 years, they have cheered on Boston Marathoners with hoots, hollers, high-fives, and of course kisses. Its tradition for girls to form a Wellesley Scream Tunnel, which is so loud runners can hear it from a mile away. The girls set up kissing camp at the half way point leaving runners 13 miles to ponder their smooches! I wonder if this runner turned around for seconds?