
Extreme Sleep: The Officical Ironman Mattress

I can't name the brand of the mattress I sleep, but I can confirm that it is quite comfortable. However, it is apprantly similar to a slab of granite compared to the offical mattress of Ironman manufactured by Spring Air Company in agreement with T3 Athletic Recovery Products. The sole purpose of this thing: recovery.

Of course a Ironman athlete needs recovery after a 140.6 mile odyssey including: a 2.4 mile ocean swim, a 112 mile bike ride, and a 26.2 mile marathon run. The beautiful scenery of Hawaii doesn't make this feat any less difficult. But the difficulty is the precise reason this special mattress is needed. It has soy-based, eco-core Ironman Sleep Technology with Celsion 5 Zone Latex and Celliant cover meaning it supports the entire body (hey! my mattress does that) and it delivers relief on pressure points. It cools your body when it's too warm or heats it up when it's too cool (to sleep with a blanket or without?). It is designed to releive pain, heal your body quicker, boost your immune system and increase oxygen levels in the body.
(source: http://ironman.com/mediacenter/pressreleases/spring-air-will-put-its-muscle-behind-the-official-ironman-mattress-line)

It's all a bit too much for me, I think I'll go back to bed now.


  1. Wow! A sports specific mattress? That is incredible! Do you know if any athletes use this mattress? I bet Lance Armstrong wants one after the collar bone incident... Nice article!

  2. Awesome! Nothing beats a good night's sleep. I spend all my money on bedding (1500 thread count baby!)

  3. Great article! i want one! I think that it really helps to have a good mattress for injuries etc and i agree, Lance Armstrong should be forking out for one to speed up his recovery.
